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Thema: Partypoker

  1. #1
    Gast Avatar von ferantes


    100 $ For Free to play poker is this possible ?
    The anwer is yes, you will receive 100 $ all for free no deposit required all you have to do is click on the link below http://www.bonusuri.go.ro/ register and you will receive the free 100 $ with out you making any deposit. You may ask what is the catch to this great offer well there is no catch because partypoker is biggest online poker rooms in the world with over 16 milion registered players and 50.0000 online most off the time so it offers new players the chance to test theyr software and see what playing poker is all about .And because party poker has so many players you also have the begginer section so you wont have to face profesional players from the start. So dont pass this great offer register and start your poker carier.

  2. #2
    Casino-Spieler Avatar von Sigi2002
    Registriert seit


    Ich glaube er meint, dass man die $100 Bonus bei PartyPoker-deutsch bekommt . Dazu gibts auch gleich die deutsche Spielsoftware und ein gratis Pokerbuch in deutsch dazu .

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