
Beschwerden über das Golden Palace Casino wegen Flitzer-Störungen bei den Olympischen Spielen in Athen
Das Golden Palace Casino will künftig auf diese Art Marketing verzichten

Siehe auch folgendes Thema: GoldenPalaceCasino - durchgeknallte Promo-Aktionen

KGC Investigates Golden Palace

In the past two weeks, the Kahnawake Gaming Commission (KGC) has received numerous complaints concerning an incident at the Olympic Games in Athens involving a person who ‘streaked’ an event displaying the name of one of the KGC’s permit holders: Golden Palace.

The KGC did not approve or condone the incident in question and does not approve or condone this type of ‘marketing’ by its permit holders.

After investigating the Athens incident and meeting with representatives of Golden Palace, the KGC has directed that:

1. Golden Palace will not use, promote, encourage or fund this type of ‘marketing’ ever again, and

2. Given the seriousness of the incident and the negative effect it has had on the community’s reputation, Golden Palace will make a substantial donation to Kahnawake organizations to be identified by the Mohawk Council of Kahnawake.

The KGC is satisfied with Golden Palace’s cooperation throughout and considers the matter closed.

For further information, contact the Kahnawake Gaming Commission at 450-635-1076.

Mohawk Territory of Kahnawake
3 September, 2004