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Thema: GoldenPalaceCasino

  1. #41
    Casinospieler Avatar von Newsflash
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    Ron Simon streaks Women's British Open

    LYTHAM ST ANNES, ENGLAND, AUGUST, 3, 2003 -- In typical dramatic marketing flair, Internet casino GoldenPalace.com interrupted the Women’s British Open as streaker Ron Simon ran onto the course displaying the site’s web address on his naked torso.

    As Swede favorite Annika Sorenstam and chief rival Korean Se Ri Pak attacked the 15th hole, the self-proclaimed “World’s Best Drummer” tore off his Velcro clothes and leaped onto the course wearing nothing but hot rod boxer shorts, the ad tattoo on his chest and back, and a huge smile on his face.

    The crowd seemed taken aback at Simon’s sudden appearance, then quickly became angry at the interruption. It was apparent that many of the spectators were insulted at this irreverent attitude to the proud institution of golf. They hissed and booed as Simon was escorted off the course by security, and Sorenstam’s caddie Terry McNamara even went so far as to give him a swift kick in the rear. The incident did not adversely affect Sorenstam, who went on to win the coveted tournament.

    Still wearing nothing but boxer shorts and the tattoo, Simon was interviewed briefly after his release from the Blackpool Police station. He was incarcerated “for his own protection” after the streak, presumably from the hands of enraged golf fans. The drummer was surprisingly upbeat after his short stint in the joint, and mockingly challenged McNamara to a GoldenPalace.com-sponsored boxing match to settle the score.
    Bestes Online-Casino: Casino Extra

  2. #42
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    Mark Roberts streaks Real Madrid Home Opener

    September 1, 2003, MADRID, SPAIN -- Real Madrid's successful title defense against Real Betis on Saturday was interrupted by the 'World's Most Prolific Streaker' Mark Roberts, as part of another outlandish marketing stunt by his sponsor Internet casino GoldenPalace.com.

    Seconds before the second half kicked off, Roberts made his appearance in typical dramatic flair. The well-known streaker was wearing nothing but a GoldenPalace.com ad tattoo on his torso, the phrase 'I'm The Real Goldenballs' on his chest in reference to Madrid's recently signed Golden Boy David Beckham, and, of course, strategically placed golden balls.

    Roberts' appearance was greeted with enthusiasm by the fans and amusement by the players and referees. Madrid's Brazilian ace Ronaldo even passed the ball to Roberts in mid-streak before the latter was escorted away by security. Roberts has streaked major sports events on the casino's behalf several times now, and he is always a hit with the crowd.

    Madrid went on to win the game 2 -- 1. The first goal came from Beckham only two minutes into the game, and Ronaldo went on to net the game-winner in the 61st minute. This performance is exactly what Madrid had in mind when they acquired the superstar striker from Manchester United. With the addition of Beckham to an already star-studded cast, many believe that rival teams will now be extremely hard-pressed to stop the Real Madrid juggernaut.
    Bestes Online-Casino: Casino Extra

  3. #43
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    'Super Bowel' streaker makes irregular appearance at Super Bowl XXXVIII

    February 1, 2004, Houston, USA--In an unconventional display of high-visibility marketing, notorious British streaker Mark Roberts pulled off his first successful North American streak at Super Bowl XXXVIII while displaying the Internet address 'GoldenPalace.com' as a Henna tattoo on his bare chest and back.

    Disguised in a tear-away referee uniform, Roberts jumped out of the crowd at the beginning of the second half, ripped his clothes off, and ran to midfield wearing nothing but a plastic football covering his genitals. The naked Roberts danced around for nearly half a minute to the delight and hilarity of the crowd. He had the words 'Super Bowel' written on his back along with the Internet casino's website address. New England Patriots linebacker Matt Chatham relieved some big game tension by leveling Roberts before security finally hauled the dazed streaker off the field.

    Recognized by the Guinness Book Of World Records as the world's most prolific streaker, Mark Roberts has made a name for himself by streaking various sporting events mainly in Europe and abroad. Given the unprecedented security measures in place at Houston's Reliant Stadium for the Super Bowl, Roberts' first successful North American streak is without a doubt his greatest yet.

    GoldenPalace.com has become notorious for high-profile marketing. Their tendency for innovative and outlandish advertising has become a staple in the sports world. Since the first appearance of their ad tattoo on boxer Bernard Hopkins three years ago, they have 'backed' dozens of athletes and celebrities.
    Bestes Online-Casino: Casino Extra

  4. #44
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    Skater Streaks World Figure Skating Championships

    Dortmund, GERMANY, Saturday March 27, 2004 -- Dortmund crowds aghast in Ladies Free Program event of World Figure Skating Championships 2004 when GoldenPalace.com emblazoned streaker strikes for skating gold...

    Dortmund crowds who had gathered to watch the Ladies Free Program earlier today were shocked, stunned…and in fits of laughter, as a torso tattooed, comically and scantily dressed figure suddenly appeared from nowhere, leaping onto the ice rink and performing a 'Free Dance' of his very own in front of American Skating Champion, Michelle Kwan.

    Spectators were clearly surprised. 'I'd seen this before, during the Super Bowl I think, but I really didn't expect it here. I guess that's the point...' said one Skating fan who'd traveled all the way from the US to watch the Championships. 'This guy in a gold tutu, ski goggles and no shirt just appeared out of nowhere and started skating around, trying to do some spins, just goofing off, you know? He could skate, but he sure couldn't dance (laughs). Michelle Kwan didn't seem to want to be distracted; at least he got a smile out of her! I thought it was pretty funny, seeing him flopping around like a circus clown. He had the whole place laughing for the longest time because security just couldn't catch him.'

    Wearing only a tutu and tattoo of the Internet casino website GoldenPalace.com across his naked torso, the streaker performed to live audiences of millions both in the stadium and watching coverage televised worldwide. He was shortly overcome by security and led off the rink.

    Sources have revealed the identity of the streaker to be Ron Simon, the self-proclaimed 'World's Best Drummer'. Rumours circulating report that music fans within the Golden Palace team may have originally backed Simon in his lifetime goal of a record deal drumming debut, and that in celebration for the support, he has since taken his own streaking initiative. Ever the committed professional, it seems that Simon may have been practising for his ice dance debut for some time. Sources from the general public have come forward reporting having seen the tutued figure in various locations throughout Germany, with his eye catching form caught on camera limbering up in gyms and training rinks throughout Europe.

    In an exclusive interview, Golden Palace expressed how they have been truly stunned by the growing public passion for their brand and unprecedented exposure. What began as company driven innovative marketing has truly taken on a life of its own, spiralling into copycat syndrome and pushing everyday people worldwide to streak in a public declaration of support for key Golden Palace Casino brand values: fun, daring, tongue in cheek humour and light hearted living.

    'Our marketing strategy is...unique to say the least,' joked Richard Rowe, CEO Golden Palace. 'Our ad tattoo is the perfect example. What began as a small marketing stunt has snowballed into a phenomenon. People have taken streaking to new heights.'

    During brief comments before being led away by security, Simon expressed his jubilation at having performed to millions and his admiration for the sport. 'I have real passion for Golden Palace. Golden Palace is soaring to new heights and I wanted to be part of it. And I have the biggest respect for these athletes. This is the hardest sport that I've tried. I took three or so lessons before I learned that I wasn't made for it. I think that figure skating is a bit too serious though. It needs to be funnier.'

    In what is fast reaching stages of sporting event ubiquity, Golden Palace inspired stuntmen are forging a history of stunning audiences worldwide. Since the first Golden Palace streaker (a.k.a. Mark Roberts, the 'World's Most Prolific Streaker') made his appearance at the UEFA Cup Final in summer 2003, fellow streakers have appeared at events including the PGA Tour's U.S. Open, the World Swimming Championships and the Running of the Bulls in Pamplona, Spain. Mark himself reappeared most recently this February during the US Super bowl. And interestingly, Marketing spokespersons worldwide are fast documenting how the Golden Palace team with the Midas touch have performed marketing alchemy, transforming an essentially harmless mode of expression into the world's most exciting and innovative marketing technique.
    Bestes Online-Casino: Casino Extra

  5. #45
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    Surprise Streak, Surprise Gold For The Greeks!

    ATHENS, GREECE, AUGUST 17, 2004 - There was an unexpected twist to yesterday's Olympic Men's Synchronized 3M Springboard Finals when a streaker climbed the diving platform dressed in a tutu, clown shoes, and a tattoo of Internet casino GoldenPalace.com. He threw his arms into the air repeatedly to try to rile up the crowd then belly-flopped into the pool where he attempted to amuse the crowd by trying to imitate a synchronized swimming routine.

    After the incident, blunders by the American, Russian, and Chinese teams led to Nikolaos Siranidis and Thomas Bimis of Greece winning the gold medal. The three countries were ahead of the Greeks in the event before their miscues in the last round.

    The streaker turned out to be Ron Bensimhon, the same man that appeared at the World Figure Skating Championships in Germany this past March. According to Bensimhon's lawyer, the tutu-clad streaker loved the rush he received from the skating event, and decided the Olympics would be the ultimate stage for him, providing even more notoriety, fame, and adrenaline-fueled excitement.

    A devoted fan of the casino, Bensimhon had 'GoldenPalace.com' tattooed on his torso to prove that he could accomplish this feat, perhaps in the hopes that he can be useful to the site for future events.

    Regardless of Bensimhon's motives, his performance may well have allowed Greek fans everywhere to celebrate the first win of a coveted gold medal.
    Bestes Online-Casino: Casino Extra

  6. #46
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    Golden Palace has Hands Full after eBay Auction

    Infamous breast implant won on auction

    After more than 100 bids, GoldenPalace.com, the eBay-happy online casino, won the bid for a breast implant. This is not just any implant but one of a pair that were sported by Playboy Cover Girl Tawny Peaks until 1999. This half of the original 69-HH set went for an impressive $16,766.

    The breasts became infamous as a result of an appearance that Ms. Peaks made in 1998. It was in that year that a patron at the Diamond Dolls nightclub in Clearwater, Florida, sued her, claiming he suffered whiplash when she swung her breasts into his face. The gentleman likened the impact of Tawny’s breasts to that of 'two cement blocks.'

    The “Assault with a Breast” case went to arbitration on 'The People's Court' television show where the judge, former New York City Mayor Ed Koch, declared the breasts too be too soft to inflict pain and to weigh about 2 pounds (0.9 kg) each. Koch ruled they were not dangerous and dismissed the suit.

    After retiring from the business in 1999, Ms. Peaks had her size 69-HH implants removed and underwent breast reduction surgery. She was recently re-acquainted with her implants after finding them in a box in her house. Before the auction, Tawny explained her decision to the media, 'Somebody might bid on it. It's like the first boob to be sued over in a lawsuit.'

    Over 100 bids have been made for the implant, with the price soaring from an initial bid of $37 to its closing bid of $16,766. The auction page got over 500,000 visits; Tawny said she was overwhelmed and exhausted by the flood of e-mailed bids.

    GoldenPalace.com is now the proud owner of this PIECE OF HISTORY including an autographed copy of the Documented Court Complaint. As for Ms. Peaks, now a homemaker living in the Detroit area, she’s happy that it’s all over.

  7. #47
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    GoldenPalace.com kneads its way to win eBay Bread and Board

    After a frenzy of last-minute bidding, GoldenPalace.com walked away with Tony Danza’s bread, or the best parts at least: the ends. This auction was for more than just the bread alone; it also included a cutting board autographed by Tony Danza and an appearance on The Tony Danza Show.

    The auction was won with a closing bid of $14,100. If that sounds like a lot, you might want to consider that the all proceeds from this auction go to benefit the Police Athletic League of New York (PAL). PAL provides a range of activities including reading, math, athletics, science and computer clinics, counseling and employment programs to boys and girls who would have little opportunity without it.

    This auction represents one of the many charitable activities that GoldenPalace.com has been involved with to help raise awareness and funding for needy organizations.

    The transfer of ownership will take place live on Mr. Danza’s show where GoldenPalace.com will be officially presented with the bread and board.

    Is this another item for the Golden Palace collection or lunch for their CEO? Watch the broadcast to find out.

  8. #48
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    GoldenPalace.com Sees The Light With Latest eBay Purchase

    If the image of a light bulb above someone’s head is supposed to indicate a bright idea, what does the x-ray of a light bulb in someone’s rectum mean? For GoldenPalace.com, it means “start bidding”.

    A man walked into a doctor’s office complaining of abdominal cramps. X-rays revealed a light bulb crammed up his colon. The man naturally had an elaborate explanation prepared but unfortunately could not explain why the light bulb was lubricated. The doctor most likely did not want to know anyway. The x-ray image was kept by the technician, auctioned off on eBay, and bought by GoldenPalace.com for $33.15.

  9. #49
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    GoldenPalace.com Sponsors Iraq-Bound Soldiers Pre-War Road Trip

    Specialists Walker and Mackoviak are going to war. But before they do they will head on a mammoth road trip that will take them from North Carolina to California. And GoldenPalace.com is going to pimp their ride for $15,000!

    The two Iraq-bound soldiers auctioned off the opportunity to advertise on the car they will be driving clear across the USA. For a cool $15,000, GoldenPalace.com signage will appear all over the car and Walker will permanently tattoo the casino’s web address on his arms. The road trip is expected to receive nationwide media attention.
    Bestes Online-Casino: Casino Extra

  10. #50
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    GoldenPalace.com Buys Future Republican Governor for $900

    The casino known for buying the most outrageous items on eBay has now purchased Larry Bays, a self-styled “Republican for the working people”. Bays will be running for Governor of Ohio next year and in the hopes of raising money for his campaign decided to auction himself off to the highest bidder. Enter GoldenPalace.com.

    According to Bays eBay page, he agrees to paint, clean, or do any handyman style jobs GoldenPalace.com may have. What the casino plans to do with the possible future Governor of Ohio is still in question but they are sure to make it interesting.
    Bestes Online-Casino: Casino Extra

  11. #51
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    Historic Event: First Sponsored Birth

    March 9, 2005, Myrtle Beach, SC — GoldenPalace.com, the Internet casino famous for eccentric and sometimes outrageous buys on eBay, became the official sponsors of the birth of Amber Rainey’s bouncing baby boy, Parker. GoldenPalace.com was the highest bidder for the honor of sponsoring the happy event, spending $5600 for the privilege. Amber Rainey is the same woman that sold advertising space on her formerly pregnant belly to GoldenPalace.com several weeks ago.

    In true GoldenPalace.com style, the casino went all out in their role as sponsors. The masks, gowns, baby accessories, blankets, and practically everything in the delivery room displayed 'GoldenPalace.com', including a huge banner behind the bed. Even the baby’s room at home was similarly decorated, along with fabulous gifts.

    'Since we advertised on Amber’s pregnant belly, we felt that we should be the ones to sponsor her baby’s birth,' said GoldenPalace.com CEO Richard Rowe. 'When she put this offer up on eBay, there was no hesitation on our part. We are happy to be a part of this joyous event and we wish Amber and her new baby boy all the best.'

    The casino’s eBay shopping spree has made headlines all over the world. They have bought some of eBay’s most outrageous items including the Virgin Mary Grilled Cheese Sandwich, Ghost Cane, Evil Kermit Doll, as well as advertising space in the strangest of places such as cleavage, pregnant bellies, and foreheads.
    Bestes Online-Casino: Casino Extra

  12. #52
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    GoldenPalace.com Grabs Cowboy Caviar Throne

    Online Casino controls position of King & Queen of Conconully Ball

    In a recent eBay auction, GoldenPalace.com won the right to become King and Queen of the Conconully Testicle Festival. The opportunity to become royalty came cheaply as the online casino closed the bidding with $1,225.

    Located in beautiful Conconully, North Central Washington State, the town will be holding its Cowboy Caviar Fete on June 18, 2005.

    The package that GoldenPalace.com won in the online auction includes a private chalet for 3 nights, royal crowns, a gift basket from local merchants, all meals for 3 days, a pontoon party boat ride for 6, 4 event shirts, paddle boats, and more!!

    With its obvious love of Americana, the Testicle Festival almost seems like a no-brainer for GoldenPalace.com, the online casino that has taken pop-culture and turned it into a marketing phenomenon with items like the Virgin Mary Grilled Cheese sandwich.

    Though none of the corporate representatives have confirmed their participation in the event which promises worldwide recognition, there have been rumors that Shaune Bagwell will make an appearance. With the long list of characters that GoldenPalace.com has been sponsoring recently, there is no shortage of potential candidates for the King and Queen of this festival where, to quote the eBay advertisement, "local restaurateurs compete in exhibiting their unique culinary achievements as they serve the exotic entrée that cut of beef that separates a bull from a steer!"

    Richard Rowe, the CEO of GoldenPalace.com, stated that he believed that participation in local events was good for all involved and that "just because we're virtual doesn't mean that we can't have an active role in the community. Let's face it, local events are popular and fun…just like GoldenPalace.com."

    GoldenPalace.com is proud to provide the Royal Pair and is happy to be involved with the presentation of the Balls to the Wall award.
    Bestes Online-Casino: Casino Extra

  13. #53
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    The Pete Townshend Potato

    Normally, $81 would get you a whole lotta potatoes. Not in this case. Especially not when the buyer is GoldenPalace.com then it’s the price of ONE potato; not just any potato mind you but one that looks just like Pete Townshend, the lead guitarist for the classic rock band, The Who.

    As the auction de....ion stated, “this is a real natural potato that has not been genetically modified in any way”. Even though it is natural, the potato bears an uncanny resemblance to Pete Townshend, one of the greatest guitarists who has ever lived.

    GoldenPalace.com fulfilled its self-imposed obligation as Good Samaritan to the eBay community by saving this rarity from certain destruction (the owner threatened to eat it mashed with butter and sour cream if the auction was unsuccessful).

    Though the online casino saved the potato from its fate, the owner wasn’t so lucky: the funds from this auction will be going towards his engagement ring fund.

    Naturally, The Pete Townshend Potato will take its place amongst the other incredible eBay finds that GoldenPalace.com has purchased in recent months. This is truly a legend amongst potatoes.
    Bestes Online-Casino: Casino Extra

  14. #54
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    GoldenPalace.com Pays $1,209 For Pope’s Hat Doritos Chip

    MARCH 23, 2005, SALEM, MA -- GoldenPalace.com, the eBay-happy Internet casino most famous for their purchase of the Virgin Mary Grilled Cheese Sandwich, has raised the stakes with an even cheesier purchase—an unbelievable $1,209 for a Nacho Cheese Doritos® Chip that resembles the Pope’s Mitre, otherwise known as a really tall hat.

    After seeing the chip in his bag of Doritos, the seller decided that it would be unfair to not share it with the world. Following the recent trends of auctioning religious memorabilia, the chip was immediately ushered to a late-night photo session and then posted on eBay.

    Incredibly, the chip received 34 bids to propel it to just over $1000 before GoldenPalace.com jumped in to win the auction. During the course of the auction, the Pope’s Hat Doritos Chip eBay page received over 41,000 visitors and the seller has even created a separate website, www.PopeHatChip.com to capitalize on the popularity of this eccentric item.

    “We believe that this chip, like the Virgin Mary Grilled Cheese Sandwich, is another perfect example of American pop culture,” said Richard Rowe, CEO of GoldenPalace.com. “In all honesty, the chip’s resemblance to the Mitre is phenomenal. We felt that it would make a prefect addition to our collection. It will fit in perfectly with all our other eccentric acquisitions.”
    Bestes Online-Casino: Casino Extra

  15. #55
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    Woman Gets $15,199 To Change Name Forever

    MARCH 30, 2005, KNOXVILLE, TN -- When eBay-happy Internet casino GoldenPalace.com saw the header “RIGHTS TO NAME ME! LEGALLY CHANGE MY FULL NAME FOREVER! RARE, LIFETIME ADVERTISING IDEA 4 YOUR COMPANY/WEBSITE!” on a Knoxville’s woman’s eBay auction page, it was an offer they couldn’t refuse.

    As a result of the one-of-a-kind auction, the seller formerly known as Terri Ilagan, will now be paid $15,199 to legally change her name to GoldenPalace.com.

    View the Official Court Order Document.

    The 33-year-old mother of five was inspired to auction off her identity to the highest bidder after seeing GoldenPalace.com spend outrageous sums of money on such items as the Virgin Mary Grilled Cheese Sandwich ($28,000), the Ghost Cane ($65,000), one silicon breast implant belonging to a former Playboy Cover Girl ($16,766), a pretzel shaped in the image of the Madonna and Child ($10,600), and dozens more outlandish auctions.

    “I was driving one day and I told my husband, I don't think anyone's tried to sell their name on eBay yet. So I put it up for auction and I got all kind of responses within 24 hours of it being listed,” says Terri Ilagan.

    As GoldenPalace.com, Terri is sure to have some interesting incidents in store for her in the future. Airport security, police, and other authorities will probably not be very amused when they see her new passport, driver’s license, and other identification. She welcomes any inconvenience and possible ridicule however, as the $15,199 will go a long way to help raising her five children.

    “To my kids and to my husband, I will always be Terri. My husband is real supportive,” she told WATE-TV in Knoxville. “He thinks it's funny. As long as they get to call me Mom, they don't care. They are already starting to tease me and call me Goldie.”

    “This is a new step in edgy marketing,” says GoldenPalace.com CEO Richard Rowe. “We know that this will receive widespread media attention. We also hope that the money spent will go a long way in helping GoldenPalace.com’s family. Anyone that has kids knows the enormous expense that it requires to provide for them. We are happy to help GoldenPalace.com make ends meet.”
    Bestes Online-Casino: Casino Extra

  16. #56
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    Charred Image Of Christ Restores Local Man’s Faith

    APRIL 8, 2005, GLEBE, NEW SOUTH WALES, AUSTRALIA -- GoldenPalace.com, the Internet casino that gained worldwide recognition from their purchase of the Virgin Mary Grilled Cheese Sandwich and other online auction curiosities, has bought an Australian man’s frying pan bearing the likeness of Jesus Christ in burned leftover lemon mustard cream sauce for AU $102.50 (approximately 78.85 USD).

    According to his eBay auction page, the seller accidentally put the frying pan back on the heat after making the sauce, then after rinsing it out and swirling it with a spoon, noticed the image staring back at him. The seller went on to say that the fried image of the savior restored his faith and he hopes it can do the same for others.

    Over the last few months, GoldenPalace.com has been on an online auction shopping spree acquiring all kinds of religious, paranormal, and even ridiculous items in their ongoing quest for advertising originality and creativity. They have made headlines all over the globe with such purchases as the Virgin Mary Grilled Cheese Sandwich, Ghost Cane, Pope’s Hat Doritos® Chip, and others.

    “Like the Virgin Mary Grilled Cheese Sandwich, this is another purchase that is open to individual interpretation,” said GoldenPalace.com CEO Richard Rowe. “There is an image of what appears to be Jesus Christ in the burned residue of the sauce and the seller seems convinced of its divinity. It’s a perfect addition to the Golden Palace collection.”
    Bestes Online-Casino: Casino Extra

  17. #57
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    Corporate Birth: The Next Generation Of Advertising

    This Baby’s Birth Brought To You By GoldenPalaceCasino.com

    MARCH 29, 2005, ATLANTA, GA — Internet casino GoldenPalace.com, known mostly for their eccentric eBay purchases, continues to deliver. Elise Harp, the second pregnant woman to use her enlarged belly as an advertising billboard for the casino, has given birth to a bouncing baby girl, Mariah. The birth was officially sponsored by GoldenPalace.com.

    In true GoldenPalace.com style, the casino went all out in their role as sponsors for Elise Harp’s baby’s birth. Doctors’ and visitors’ masks and gowns, baby accessories, blankets, and practically everything in the operating room displayed “GoldenPalace.com”, including a huge banner behind the bed. Elise’s recovery room was similarly decorated, as well as the new baby’s room at home.

    A few weeks ago, the casino made a similar sponsorship production for Amber Rainey, the first pregnant woman to display the casino’s brand on her belly.

    Elise did not need to auction off the sponsorship opportunity on eBay as GoldenPalace.com immediately stepped up after the media attention they received from Amber’s sponsorship.

    “Although company sponsorship is nothing new, this is a unique twist on a tried and true advertising concept,” said GoldenPalace.com CEO Richard Rowe. “Sponsoring the birth of Amber’s baby was groundbreaking so we jumped at the opportunity to do the same for Elise. The sponsorship will help both mothers with the enormous costs involved in raising a child. It’s a win-win situation for everyone involved.”

    GoldenPalace.com have reached new levels in marketing creativity with their ad tattoo and outrageous eBay buys like the Virgin Mary Grilled Cheese Sandwich ($28,000), the Ghost Cane ($65,000), one silicon breast implant belonging to a former Playboy Cover Girl ($16,766), a pretzel shaped in the image of the Madonna and Child ($10,600), and dozens more outlandish auctions.
    Bestes Online-Casino: Casino Extra

  18. #58
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    A Rabbit? Yes... a Rabbit. GoldenPalace.com Buys Pink Bunny on eBay.

    What makes the most exciting tournament event in Poker even more exciting then ever? The answer is obvious…a man wearing a pink bunny outfit. How did you not know that?

    In a recent eBay auction, Internet casino GoldenPalace.com spent $15,100 to win the services of Jeremy Enke, who will be competing in the upcoming World Series of Poker wearing a pink bunny suit that will be emblazoned with the words “GoldenPalace.com”. The WSOP will be broadcasted on ESPN this July.

    As the winners of this auction, GoldenPalace.com will have Jeremy sitting in a pink bunny suit playing poker in the televised main event at the World Series of Poker. He will display “GoldenPalace.com” on his pink bunny suit as well as any other place on his body. Anywhere he goes in Las Vegas throughout the entire week of the tournament, he will be wearing his suit. The Pink Bunny will be making appearances at all the big card rooms and several night clubs throughout the week.

    “We believe the media attention will be huge,” said GoldenPalace.com CEO Richard Rowe. “On the surface, people will think we’re crazy for paying $15,000 for a man in a pink bunny outfit, but given the popularity of the event and the outrageous nature of the sponsorship we know we will get our money’s worth. We wish Jeremy the best of luck in the tournament.”
    Bestes Online-Casino: Casino Extra

  19. #59
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    Giant Pumpkins Latest Addition To Casino’s eBay Collection

    Whoever said size doesn’t matter forgot to inform GoldenPalace.com. The Internet casino that has made headlines worldwide with their recent eBay shopping spree, has won yet another outrageous auction: the right to advertise on several giant pumpkins.

    » View Live Web-Cam
    According to the seller’s eBay page, Giant Pumpkins are grown by only a few thousand people worldwide, but Giant Pumpkin Festivals and Weigh-offs are held all over North America and in several countries worldwide including the UK, Germany, France, The Netherlands, Belgium, Australia, China, Japan, Spain, and more.

    As the winning bidders, GoldenPalace.com will receive exclusive advertising on the side of all the seller’s 2005 Giant Pumpkins and anything relating to the 2005 Giant Pumpkin growing season for 6 months. Also, the casino will have their brand exclusively put in various locations of the seller’s Pumpkin patch, on his fence, on t-shirts he'll wear, and in all emails he sends out during the season.

    To make sure that the casino’s brand gets seen by as many people as possible, the seller has set up a web site at www.giantveggies.com where he will display GoldenPalace.com to millions of people around the world, live via his Pumpkin Cam 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, for 6 months.
    Bestes Online-Casino: Casino Extra

  20. #60
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    Famous Faces Flood Windsor on Royal Wedding Day!

    Windsor became ‘celebrity city’ as famous faces appeared for Charles and Camilla’s eagerly anticipated wedding day.

    LONDON, 09 April 2005 – Windsor wedding watchers were startled and delighted today to see some very familiar famous faces popping up to join in the jubilations.

    Yet even more surprising was that many of these famous faces belonged to those who have been dubbed by media as NFIs (‘Not Formally Invited’).

    From Elton John to Paris Hilton, Liz Hurley to Michael Jackson, some unlikely faces were waving to passers by from the Private Room of Number 1 Thames Street. The venue was that which hit media headlines in the past week when it was auctioned off on eBay to winning bidder GoldenPalace.com.

    CEO Richard Rowe had said at the time of the GoldenPalace.com’s eBay win “GoldenPalace.com is delighted to be joining Charles and Camilla for their Windsor celebrations. We have a network of international stars and celebrities that work with us, and they will definitely be first on our VIP list!”

    ...This turnout was surely beyond anyone’s wildest expectations!

    *Lookalikes were provided by Susan Scott Lookalikes.


    The eBay Windsor Wedding view room auction closed at 17:36:35 BST on 01 April 2005. GoldenPalace.com’s winning eBay bid was for £800. The funds generated will go to the Prince Philip Trust Fund.
    Bestes Online-Casino: Casino Extra

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Aktive Benutzer in diesem Thema: 1 (Registrierte Benutzer: 0, Gäste: 1)


  • Neue Themen erstellen: Nein
  • Themen beantworten: Nein
  • Anhänge hochladen: Nein
  • Beiträge bearbeiten: Nein